
Monday 3 October 2016

Amarr Alpha Clone PvE Combat Skills

My favourite PvE activities is blowing up stuff. Alpha clones are limited to skills that can fly T1 frigate, destroyer and cruiser. To get the most DPS, try to train for Cruiser with destroyer and frigate as stepping stone.
For Amarr alpha clones this could be training for Punisher Mastery Level I, Coercer Mastery Level II and the Alpha Clone Skill maxed out Maller or Maxed out Gnosis Battle Cruiser.
Unfortunately, Salvage Drone skill is exclusive to Omega clone pilot. So, Alpha Clone pilot cannot load their Gnosis with Salvage Drone. They are forced to bookmark the wrecks, then re-ship or re-fit if they want extra income from salvaging their wrecks.

GroupSkillPunisher ICoercer IIMaller Maxed
ArmorArmor Layering1
ArmorEM Armor Compensation1
ArmorExplosive Armor Compensation1
ArmorHull Upgrades134
ArmorKinetic Armor Compensation1
ArmorRepair Systems123
ArmorThermal Armor Compensation1
DronesDrone Avionics4
DronesDrone Durability4
DronesDrone Interfacing3
DronesDrone Navigation4
DronesDrone Sharpshooting4
DronesLight Drone Operation4
Electronic SystemsPropulsion Jamming123
EngineeringAdvanced Weapon Upgrades1
EngineeringCPU Management334
EngineeringCapacitor Management13
EngineeringCapacitor Systems Operation133
EngineeringElectronics Upgrades13
EngineeringEnergy Grid Upgrades13
EngineeringPower Grid Management134
EngineeringWeapon Upgrades134
GunneryControlled Bursts134
GunneryMedium Energy Turret4
GunneryMotion Prediction134
GunneryRapid Firing134
GunnerySmall Energy Turret133
GunnerySurgical Strike34
GunneryTrajectory Analysis34
NavigationAcceleration Control13
NavigationEvasive Maneuvering13
NavigationHigh Speed Maneuvering3
NavigationWarp Drive Operation13
Resource ProcessingSalvaging3
Spaceship CommandRacial Cruiser4
Spaceship CommandRacial Destroyer33
Spaceship CommandRacial Frigate133
Spaceship CommandSpaceship Command113
TargetingLong Range Targeting13
TargetingSignature Analysis13
TargetingTarget Management134

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