
Thursday, 13 October 2016

Lost a gnosis

Take a moment to remember our martyrs. We lost a Gnosis Battlecruiser today along with hundreds of crew on board to a Centii Ravagers and its Sansha gang in October 13th, YC118.
Rest assured that their sacrifices will not be in vain. We will prevail and continue our anti-piracy operation.
What is strange is the insurance paid me 6 ISK for the lost of the Gnosis. So, far I spent 12,5 million ISK to re-fit. The ship itself is 64 million ISK in Amarr, if I buy it new. So, we lost a total of 76,5 million ISK. I wish we could find a cheaper ship after insurance that perform as well.

Here is my current Shield-tanked laser drone Gnosis fit 305,2 DPS (112 Medium Laser, 17km optimal, 23 km falloff, 193,2 Small drones), 34K EHP (8K Shield, 690 s, 29 hp/s, 72% EM):
[Gnosis, Gnosis]
Damage Control II
Shield Power Relay II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Field II
50MN Microwarpdrive I
Shield Recharger II
Shield Recharger II
Shield Recharger II

Heavy Pulse Laser I
Heavy Pulse Laser I
Heavy Pulse Laser I
Heavy Pulse Laser I
Heavy Pulse Laser I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I

Hobgoblin II x10
Salvage Drone I x5

Microwave M x5
Microwave S x2
Xray S x1
Blood Infrared S x1
Radio M x1

Monday, 3 October 2016

Amarr Alpha Clone PvE Combat Skills

My favourite PvE activities is blowing up stuff. Alpha clones are limited to skills that can fly T1 frigate, destroyer and cruiser. To get the most DPS, try to train for Cruiser with destroyer and frigate as stepping stone.
For Amarr alpha clones this could be training for Punisher Mastery Level I, Coercer Mastery Level II and the Alpha Clone Skill maxed out Maller or Maxed out Gnosis Battle Cruiser.
Unfortunately, Salvage Drone skill is exclusive to Omega clone pilot. So, Alpha Clone pilot cannot load their Gnosis with Salvage Drone. They are forced to bookmark the wrecks, then re-ship or re-fit if they want extra income from salvaging their wrecks.

GroupSkillPunisher ICoercer IIMaller Maxed
ArmorArmor Layering1
ArmorEM Armor Compensation1
ArmorExplosive Armor Compensation1
ArmorHull Upgrades134
ArmorKinetic Armor Compensation1
ArmorRepair Systems123
ArmorThermal Armor Compensation1
DronesDrone Avionics4
DronesDrone Durability4
DronesDrone Interfacing3
DronesDrone Navigation4
DronesDrone Sharpshooting4
DronesLight Drone Operation4
Electronic SystemsPropulsion Jamming123
EngineeringAdvanced Weapon Upgrades1
EngineeringCPU Management334
EngineeringCapacitor Management13
EngineeringCapacitor Systems Operation133
EngineeringElectronics Upgrades13
EngineeringEnergy Grid Upgrades13
EngineeringPower Grid Management134
EngineeringWeapon Upgrades134
GunneryControlled Bursts134
GunneryMedium Energy Turret4
GunneryMotion Prediction134
GunneryRapid Firing134
GunnerySmall Energy Turret133
GunnerySurgical Strike34
GunneryTrajectory Analysis34
NavigationAcceleration Control13
NavigationEvasive Maneuvering13
NavigationHigh Speed Maneuvering3
NavigationWarp Drive Operation13
Resource ProcessingSalvaging3
Spaceship CommandRacial Cruiser4
Spaceship CommandRacial Destroyer33
Spaceship CommandRacial Frigate133
Spaceship CommandSpaceship Command113
TargetingLong Range Targeting13
TargetingSignature Analysis13
TargetingTarget Management134

Choosing Alpha Clone Race

One impact of the introduction of Alpha Clone state is racial cross training is no longer possible, unless you upgrade to Omega Clone state. The only difference between Alpha races are weapon system skills.

If you like Drones, choose either Gallente or Ammar. If you like Drone with Laser, then choose Amarr. If you like Missiles, choose either Caldari or Minmatar. If you like Missile with Projectile weapons, then chose Minmatar.

Then of course, each Alpha race can fly only their racial frigate, destroyer, cruiser and industrial. So, if you like Rifter for example, then you can only choose Minmatar. All alpha race can fly Gnosis battlecruiser. However, Gnosis is expensive especially if insurance is taking into account (only cover 6 ISK).

The following are the popular ships for alphas:

  1. Gnosis Battlecruiser can be flown by any alpha races.
  2. Vexor or Vexor Navy issue cruiser, great drone DPS, good tank, can be flown only by Gallente alphas
  3. Thorax cruiser, highest close-in DPS, can be flown only by Gallente 
  4. Arbitrator cruiser, cheap EWAR or drone boat, can be flown only by Amarr
  5. Caracal cruiser, good missile DPS, no tank, can be flown only by Caldari alphas
  6. Iteron Mark V the biggest cargo hauler, can be flown only by Gallente alphas
  7. Any T1 destroyers, good salvaging ship, can be flown by its alpha race.
  8. Rifter good damage, good speed, great tackler frigate, can be flown only by Minmatar alphas
  9. Any T1 scanning frigate, good for scanning signatures, can be flown by its alpha race.
  10. Venture frigate, great mining cargo, can be flown by any alphas

Update: This list has been updated to reflect balancing after CSM feedback.

Group Skill Amarr Gallente Caldari Minmatar
Armor Armor Layering 1 1 1 1
Armor EM Armor Compensation 1 1 1 1
Armor Explosive Armor Compensation 1 1 1 1
Armor Hull Upgrades 4 4 4 4
Armor Kinetic Armor Compensation 1 1 1 1
Armor Mechanics 4 4 4 4
Armor Remote Armor Repair Systems 3 3
Armor Remote Hull Repair Systems 1 1 1 1
Armor Repair Systems 4 4 4 4
Armor Thermal Armor Compensation 1 1 1 1
Corporation Management Corporation Management 1 1 1 1
Drones Drone Avionics 4 4
Drones Drone Durability 4 4
Drones Drone Interfacing 3 3
Drones Drone Navigation 4 4
Drones Drone Sharpshooting 4 4
Drones Drones 5 5 5 5
Drones Light Drone Operation 4 4 1 1
Drones Medium Drone Operation 3 3
Drones Repair Drone Operation 2 2
Electronic Systems Electronic Warfare 3 3 3 3
Electronic Systems Propulsion Jamming 3 3 3 3
Electronic Systems Weapon Disruption 3 3 3 3
Electronic Systems Sensor Linking 1
Electronic Systems Target Painting 1
Engineering Advanced Weapon Upgrades 1 1 1 1
Engineering CPU Management 4 4 4 4
Engineering Capacitor Emission Systems 3 3 3 3
Engineering Capacitor Management 4 4 4 4
Engineering Capacitor Systems Operation 3 3 3 3
Engineering Electronics Upgrades 4 4 4 4
Engineering Energy Grid Upgrades 4 4 4 4
Engineering Energy Pulse Weapons 2 2 2 2
Engineering Power Grid Management 4 4 4 4
Engineering Thermodynamics 3 3 3 3
Engineering Weapon Upgrades 4 4 4 4
Gunnery Controlled Bursts 4 4 4 1
Gunnery Gunnery 5 5 5 5
Gunnery Medium Energy Turret 4
Gunnery Medium Hybrid Turret 4 4
Gunnery Medium Projectile Turret 4
Gunnery Motion Prediction 4 4 4 4
Gunnery Rapid Firing 4 4 4 4
Gunnery Sharpshooter 4 4 4 4
Gunnery Small Energy Turret 4

Gunnery Small Hybrid Turret
4 4
Gunnery Small Projectile Turret 4
Gunnery Surgical Strike 4 4 4 4
Gunnery Trajectory Analysis 4 4 3 4
Leadership Leadership 3 3 3 3
Missiles Missile Launcher Operation 1 1 5 5
Missiles Light Missiles 4 4
Missiles Heavy Assault Missiles 3 3
Missiles Heavy Missiles 4 4
Missiles Missile Bombardment 4 4
Missiles Missile Projection 2 2
Missiles Rapid Launch 4 4
Missiles Rockets 4 4
Missiles Target Navigation Prediction 3 3
Missiles Warhead Upgrades 3 3
Navigation Acceleration Control 3 3 3 3
Navigation Afterburner 3 3 3 3
Navigation Evasive Maneuvering 3 3 3 3
Navigation High Speed Maneuvering 3 3 3 3
Navigation Navigation 4 4 4 4
Navigation Warp Drive Operation 3 3 3 3
Neural Enhancement Biology 3 3 3 3
Neural Enhancement Cybernetics 3 3 3 3
Neural Enhancement Infomorph Psychology 1 1 1 1
Production Industry 5 5 5 5
Production Mass Production 3 3 3 3
Resource Processing Gas Harvesting 2 2 2 2
Resource Processing Mining 4 4 4 4
Resource Processing Mining Upgrades 4 4 4 4
Resource Processing Reprocessing 3 3 3 3
Resource Processing Salvaging 3 3 3 3
Rigging Armor Rigging 2 2
Rigging Astronautics Rigging 2 2 2 2
Rigging Drones Rigging 2 2 2 2
Rigging Electronic Superiority Rigging 2 2 2 2
Rigging Energy Weapon Rigging 2

Rigging Hybrid Weapon Rigging 2 2
Rigging Projectile Weapon Rigging 2
Rigging Jury Rigging 3 3 3 3
Rigging Shield Rigging 2 2 2
Rigging Launcher Rigging 2 2
Scanning Archaeology 3 3 3 3
Scanning Astrometric Acquisition 2 2 2 2
Scanning Astrometric Rangefinding 2 2 2 2
Scanning Astrometrics 3 3 3 3
Scanning Hacking 3 3 3 3
Scanning Survey 3 3 3 3
Science Science 4 4 4 4
Shields EM Shield Compensation 1 1 1 1
Shields Explosive Shield Compensation 1 1 1 1
Shields Kinetic Shield Compensation 1 1 1 1
Shields Shield Compensation 3 3 3 3
Shields Shield Emission Systems 3 3
Shields Shield Management 3 3 4 4
Shields Shield Operation 4 4 4 4
Shields Shield Upgrades 3 4 4 4
Shields Tactical Shield Manipulation 3 3 3 3
Shields Thermal Shield Compensation 1 1 1 1
Social Connections 2 2 2 2
Social Criminal Connections 2 2 2 2
Social Diplomacy 3 3 3 3
Social Distribution Connections 2 2 2 2
Social Mining Connections 2 2 2 2
Social Negotiation 2 2 2 2
Social Security Connections 2 2 2 2
Social Social 3 3 3 3
Spaceship Command Racial Cruiser 4 4 4 4
Spaceship Command Racial Destroyer 4 4 4 4
Spaceship Command Racial Frigate 4 4 4 4
Spaceship Command Racial Industrial 1 1 1 1
Spaceship Command Mining Frigate 4 4 4 4
Spaceship Command Spaceship Command 3 3 3 3
Structure Management Anchoring 1 1 1 1
Targeting Long Range Targeting 3 3 3 3
Targeting Signature Analysis 3 3 3 3
Targeting Target Management 4 4 4 4
Trade Broker Relations 2 2 2 2
Trade Marketing 2 2 2 2
Trade Trade 3 3 3 3